Things the Wasteland Taught Us

1: Talking to people will solve more problems than your gun ever will.

2: Still, carry a gun.

3: There is no such thing as too many water bottles.

4: The world isn’t a quiet place. If it feels quiet, run.

5: Humans are not at the top of the food chain.

6: Humans are not the only intelligent, society-building species around you.

7: Humans are fragile and easy to kill.

8: Humans are not special.

9: Humans are animals.

10: Everyone’s gotta eat. Don’t take it too personally or you’ll never get anywhere in life.

11: Anything important needs a repair kit, spare parts, and a backup.

12: Lift with your knees, not with your back.

13: Your boots are made for walking, and the highway is too.

14: Always dress in layers.

15: The most expensive component of any outfit should be your shoes.

16: Keep good posture.

17: Humans are wired for a biphasic sleep schedule. Take that siesta.

18: Try to rely on each other a bit. You aren’t an island and no man is meant to be.

19: The sun is most intense around high noon. This is when you need to be in the shade.

20: Names have power, faces have power.

21: Be flexible and adaptable. Bend to keep from breaking.

22: A headscarf is an extremely versatile object.

23: If someone being wrong really, truly makes them happy, let them be wrong.

24: Respect people who think very differently from you.

25: Stay alive! Things can always get better.

26: Everyone could use a dog.

27: Keep toys around for children, in cases of emergency. Others will thank you.

28: Show the world your true face.

29: There are very few parts of an animal that are inedible.

30: Make sure you have a reliable map.

31: Carry your pack on your hips and your stomach, not your shoulders.

32: Perfectly clean looking water is not safe water.

33: There are at least one hundred ways to cook a potato.

34: Custom-made clothes are worth it.

35: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

36: Don’t gamble. The house always wins.

37: What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas.

38: Hydrate or diedrate. You need to drink before you think you are thirsty.